Norway, Trondheim
Charting at its best
Date of first edition: 1697 – 1709
Date of this map: 1697 – 1709
Dimensions (not including margins): 51,8 x 59
Dimensions (with margins): 53,5 x 60,3 cm
Condition: Very good. Strong laid paper and rather small margins. Watermark “LWP”. Later colouring.
Condition rating: A
Verso: blank
From: De Nieuwe Groote Lichtende Zee-Fakkel, 1697-1709, Chart No. 30, Amsterdam
Map references: Koeman, Keu (45); Ginsberg (Seacharts Norway), 8A.6 (State 3)
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Trondheim (as mentioned on the map in Dutch as “Dronten”) is an old Norwegian city at its coastline. The settlement was founded in 997 as a trading post, and it served as the capital of Norway during the Viking Age until 1217.
Its most famous building is the Nidaros cathedral, built over the burial site of King Olav II (c. 995-1030, reigned 1015-1028), who became the patron saint of the nation, and is the traditional location for the consecration of new kings of Norway. It was built over a 230 year period, from 1070 to 1300.

Today, it is the largest municipality of Norway, after Oslo and Bergen.
Trondheim by van Keulen
Full title: ‘Paskaart van de Kust van Noorwegen Beginnende van Swarten Os tot aan Heyligelander Leen. Naauwkeurig opgestelt, waar in vervaat werdt ‘t Lied van Dronten …’, in a cartouche centre left.
Bottom right another cartouche with two figures showing mile scales.
Orientation: South.
Two compass roses, many rhumb lines, ship at sea.