Flandriae Teutonicae pars Orientalior

by Joan and Cornelis Blaeu, Willem and Joan Blaeu

Cartouche with army of putti


Date of first edition: 1631 (in Appendix Theatri A. Ortelii et Atlantis G. Mercatoris)

Date of this map: 1641 – 1642

Dimensions (not including margins): 38,5 x 50,5 cm

Condition: good. Sharp copper engraving printed on strong paper. Age-toning at centre fold. Verso split reinforced. Old hand coloured. Wide margins.

Condition rating: A-B

Verso: text in German in Gothic font: “Das Orientalische Theil Flammisch Flandern. (p. 23)

References: Van der Krogt 2,3202:2

From:  Toonneel der Steden van ‘s Konings NederlandenJoan and Cornelis Bleau. Van der Krogt 2:231

Item number:
Belgium country
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Price (without VAT, possibly to be added): 650,00 (FYI +/- $721,50 / £578,50)
Unless otherwise specifically stated on this map page, we charge the following expedition costs in euro (unfortunatelly, gone up with Covid, but still too low in reality!): 
– Benelux: 40 euro
– Rest of Europe: 60 euro
– Rest of the World: 100 euro

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Flandriae Teutonicae pars Orientalior

This map shows the coastline of the Duchy of Flanders and a part of Zeeland.

This map forms a duo with Pars Flandriae Teutonicae Occidentalior by Willem Blaeu.

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