Title page of Description de touts les Pays-Bas

by Cornelis Claesz, Ludovico Guicciardini


Date of first edition of the atlas with different title page: 1567

Date of this edition: 1609 (first edition with this title page) by Claesz

Dimensions (no margins): 20,5 x 29,8 cm

Condition: Very good. Sharp copper engraving printed on paper. No margins.

Condition rating: A

Verso: text in French

From: Description de touts les Pays-Bas, 1609 by Claesz

Item number:
Portraits & Titlepages
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Price (without VAT, possibly to be added): 300,00 (FYI +/- $333,00 / £267,00)
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Lodovico Guicciardini published his Descritionn di tutti i Paesi Bassi in 1567. Many editions would follow.

However, when Claesz published his French edition in Amsterdam in 1609, the previous publication was more than 20 years old.

New copper plates were engraved and Montanus updated the translation of the texts.

On April 9, 1609 the Twelfe Years’ Truce was concluded between the Habsburg monarchs of Spain and the Dutch Republic in Antwerp.

So, Claesz had a new copper plate made after David Vingboons: The reconciliation is illustrated by a handshake between Maurits and Spinola.

Claesz did not put date or his address, although a special window at the bottom was foreseen at the bottom. Date and address are to be found in the colophon.