Brussels – Discalced Carmelites
Date of first edition: 1726-1727
Date of this map: 1726-1727
Dimensions (copper plate, not including margins): 46 x 36 cm
Dimensions (including margins and passe-partout): 62 x 52 cm
Condition: Very good. Sharp copper engraving on strong paper. Wide margins. Centre fold (triple fold) as published. View in passe-partout
Condition rating: A+
From: Chorographia Sacra Brabantiae, (first published 1659), Sanderus; Blockhuyzen 1726
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Discalced Carmelites
The early thirteenth-century Order of the Carmelites lived on the principle of collective poverty. After the Pope relaxed monastic rule on that point in the fifteenth century, abuses grew in the eyes of some monks.
This led to a reform movement within the order in the sixteenth century, inspired by Therese of Avila and John of the Cross, which eventually resulted in a split into a moderate and a strict branch of the order. The first called themselves Discalced Carmelites versus the second, the observants (stranded) who called themselves Discalced Carmelites, because they wore no footwear as an outward sign that they were following the original (stricter) rule of life.
The Discalced Carmelites were founded as a contemplative order by John of the Cross in 1568 at Durvelo near Avila (Spain), a few months after he had accompanied Theresia in founding her Carmelite nunnery in Valladolid.
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