Recent Additions
Germaniae Inferioris – XVII Provinces
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €1 700,00 / $1 887,00 / £1 513,00 -
Mercator-Hondius-Janssonius Atlas, facsimile
by Gerard Mercator, Jodocus Hondius, Henricus Hondius, Johannes JanssoniusPrice: €700,00 / $777,00 / £623,00Limited facsimile edition of the iconic ‘Atlas’
Zeeland, Ortelius
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €1 200,00 / $1 332,00 / £1 068,00Top left a seamonster with Neptune, holding the weapons of Zeeland
Original title: Zelandicarum Insularum exactissima et nova descriptio, Auctore D. Iacobbo a Deventria
by Georg Braun and Frans HogenbergThis item is sold
Attractive bird’s-eye view of a lovely town
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €1 400,00 / $1 554,00 / £1 246,00 -
by Johannes JanssoniusPrice: €1 400,00 / $1 554,00 / £1 246,00ON HOLD -
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €1 350,00 / $1 498,50 / £1 201,50 -
Harmonia Macrocosmica, facsimile with commentary
by Andreas CellariusThis item is sold
Exclusive and complete facsimile with introduction and description of each map
Zeeland – Zelandicarum insularum
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €1 400,00 / $1 554,00 / £1 246,00Top left a seamonster with Neptune, holding the weapons of Zeeland
Original title: Zelandicarum Insularum exactissima et nova descriptio, Auctore D. Iacobbo a Deventria
Amsterdam: WIC headquarters, inner courtyard
by evert maaskampPrice: €200,00 / $222,00 / £178,00 -
Amsterdam: VOC headquarters
by ¨Pieter Fouquet JrPrice: €200,00 / $222,00 / £178,00 -
Middelburg, Zeeland VOC home base
by Mattheus SmallegangePrice: €600,00 / $666,00 / £534,00A unique triplet from the VOC’s second home base