Belgium country
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Limbourg (Limburg) – Limburgenses Ducatus…
by Petrus KaeriusPrice: €1 800,00 / $1 998,00 / £1 602,00With inset of the city of Limbourg
Namur – Namurcum
by Abraham OrteliusPrice: €800,00 / $888,00 / £712,00 -
Namur – Namurcum Comitatus
by Joan and Cornelis Blaeu, Willem and Joan BlaeuPrice: €250,00 / $277,50 / £222,50 -
Namur (duchy) – Comitatus Namurici
by Nicolaes VisscherPrice: €275,00 / $305,25 / £244,75 -
Pars Flandriae Teutonicae occidentalior
by Joan Blaeu, Willem BlaeuPrice: €320,00 / $355,20 / £284,80 -
Title page of Derde Stuck Eerste Deel der Aerdrycks-Beschryving, welck vervat ‘t Koninclyck Nederlant
by Joan BlaeuPrice: €800,00 / $888,00 / £712,00 -
by Claes Janszoon Visscher, Johannes JanssoniusPrice: €1 100,00 / $1 221,00 / £979,00Rare top war map
Zeeland and Vlaanderen
by Lucas Janszoon WaghenaerThis item is sold
A unique chart
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